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- Everitt (Charles P.). The Adventures of a Treasure Hunter
- Ewart (Gavin). The Gavin Ewart Show; poems
- Expatriate Authors. Paris - New York: Echanges litteraires au vingtieme siecle. [Catalogue of an exhibition] 9 juin - 12 septembre 1977
- Faber (Geoffrey). Twelve Years; a poem
- Fainlight (Ruth). 18 Poems from 1966
- Fainlight (Ruth). Two Fire Poems
- Fainlight (Ruth). The Function of Tears; a poem
- Fainlight (Ruth). Two Wind Poems
- Fairbanks Junior (Douglas). Three long and affectionate Typed Letters signed or initialled, 1947, with much detail about The Exile, five further Typed Letters and an Autograph Letter signed, an Autograph Postcard signed, a Typed Letter dictated, about a possible revival of A Bill of Divorcement, and two long telegrams, all but one to Clemence Dane (the other to her secretary and companion Olwen Bowen-Davies), together with her carbon typescript replies
- Fairless (Michael). The Roadmender
- Faludy (George). Twelve Sonnets
- Fane (Julian). Gabriel Young
- Fane (Julian). Tug-of-War
- Fane (Julian). Hounds of Spring
- Farjeon (Eleanor). An Alphabet of Magic
- Farjeon (Eleanor). Blakelock (Denys) Eleanor: Portrait of a Farjeon
- Farjeon (Herbert). Incorporated Stage Society membership application form (250 x c.185mm)
- Farnol (Jeffery). Head and shoulders portrait by E.O. Hoppé, [c.1911]. American agency print with typescript caption and stamps on the verso
- Farrar (Dean). Autograph card signed, Canterbury, 27 March, no year
- Farrar (Dean). Autograph letter signed, 28 November, no year
- Farrell (J.G.). The Hill Station; an unfinished novel and an Indian Diary
- Faulkner (William). A Fable
- Faulkner (William). Mayday
- Faulkner (William). Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner
- Favarger (Henri). Incorporated Stage Society membership application form (250 x c.185mm.)
- Feinstein (Elaine). At the Edge; a poem
- Feldman Lectureship. The Annual Lew Feldman Lectureship in Bibliography
- Fenton (James). The Memory of War: Poems 1968-1982
- Fenton (James). Manila Manifesto [broadside, poster poem]
- Fenton (James). The Ballad of the Shrieking Man [broadside, poster poem]
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