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- Currie (Kit). Mr Dench’s Horse or, Life in the Antiquarian Book Trade
- Curtiss (Mina). Other People’s Letters; a memoir
- Curwen Studio. Black-and-white photograph of Josef Herman, Stanley Jones, Robert Erskine and Timothy Simon at the Bloomsbury launch party of the Curwen Print Production in 1962
- Curwen Studio. Rothenstein (Michael) Black-and-white photograph of Michael Rothenstein and Robert Simon at the Bloomsbury launch party of the Curwen Print publication in 1962 (in front of a contemporary Prunella Clough print ‘Wall and Scrap’ )
- Cust (Henry [John Cockayne]). Occasional Poems
- Cust (Nina). Not All the Suns: Poems 1917-1944
- Céline (Louis-Ferdinand). Féerie pour une autre fois, un chapitre inédite fac-similé
- D.H. Evans & Co, Ltd.. Ladies’ Diary, Housekeeping & Washing Book, a systematic method of keeping Household Accounts
- Da Vinci (Leonardo). The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
- Dahl (Roald). Switch Bitch; stories
- Dahl (Roald). My Uncle Oswald
- Dahl (Roald). My Uncle Oswald
- Dahl (Roald). My Uncle Oswald
- Dahlberg (Edward). Edward Dahlberg: American Ishmael of Letters; selected critical essays
- Dahlberg (Edward). The Carnal Myth: A Search into Celtic Sensuality
- Dane (Clemence). The Babyons: The Chronicle of a Family [comprising: Third Person Singular, Midsummer Men, Creeping Jenny, Lady Babyon]
- Dane (Clemence). The King Waits
- Dane (Clemence). The Flower Girls
- Darien (Georges). Le Voleur
- Darien (Georges). Bas Les Coeurs! 1870-1871
- Darling (F. Fraser). Natural History in the Highlands & Islands
- Darwin (Charles). Darwin: the Evolution of the Man
- Daudet (Leon). Kershaw (Alistair) An Introduction to Leon Daudet; with selections from his memoirs
- Davidson (John). New Ballads
- Davie (Donald). Brides of Reason; poems
- Davie (Donald). Events and Wisdoms; poems
- Davie (Donald). To Scorch or Freeze: Poems About the Sacred
- Davies (Margot). Calling Newfoundland: Poems 1940-41
- Davies (Rhys). Original head-and-shoulders portrait photograph by Howard Coster signed by him in pencil
- Davies (Rhys). The Song of Songs and other stories
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